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How to Write a Eulogy: A Guide from Quantock Funeral Directors

May 24, 2024

How to Write a Eulogy: A Guide from Quantock Funeral Directors

At Quantock Funeral Directors, we understand that writing a eulogy can be a challenging and emotional task. A eulogy is a heartfelt tribute that honours the life and legacy of a loved one who has passed away. It is an opportunity to share memories, celebrate achievements, and provide comfort to those who are grieving. Here, we offer a step-by-step guide on how to write a meaningful and memorable eulogy.

Step 1: Gather Your Thoughts and Memories

Start by reflecting on the life of the deceased. Consider their character, accomplishments, and the impact they had on others. Think about:

- Significant life events and milestones

- Personal qualities and virtues

- Memorable stories and anecdotes

- Their passions, hobbies, and interests

Talking to other family members and friends can provide additional perspectives and help you gather a comprehensive view of their life.

Step 2: Create an Outline

Organising your thoughts with an outline can make the writing process smoother. A basic eulogy outline might include:

1. **Introduction**: Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the deceased. Thank everyone for coming to honour their memory.

2. **Biographical Information**: Provide a brief overview of their life, including key dates, places, and events.

3. **Personal Stories and Anecdotes**: Share stories that highlight their personality, values, and significant contributions.

4. **Reflections and Closing Thoughts**: Reflect on what they meant to you and others, and offer final thoughts or a message of comfort.

5. **Conclusion**: End with a farewell message or a favourite quote, poem, or song lyric that resonates.

Step 3: Write from the Heart

A eulogy is a personal and unique tribute. Write in a tone that feels natural to you, whether it’s formal, casual, humorous, or a mix. Authenticity and sincerity are key. Focus on celebrating the person’s life and the positive memories they left behind.

Step 4: Keep It Concise

Aim to keep the eulogy between 5 to 10 minutes. This is typically around 500 to 1000 words. Keeping it concise ensures that the audience remains engaged and the tribute remains impactful. Your celebrant or minister will also work with you on timings to make sure it fits in with the service.

Step 5: Edit and Practise

After writing your eulogy, take time to revise and refine it. Read it aloud to ensure it flows well and feels comfortable to deliver. Practising will help you gain confidence and manage your emotions on the day of the funeral.

Step 6: Seek Support if Needed

Writing a eulogy can be emotionally taxing. If you find it too difficult, don’t hesitate to ask for help. A family member, friend, or even a professional writer can assist you. At Quantock Funeral Directors, we are always here to offer support and guidance through this challenging time.


Writing a eulogy is a profound way to honour a loved one’s memory. By following these steps and writing from the heart, you can create a tribute that truly captures their spirit and legacy. If you need any assistance or support during this process, Quantock Funeral Directors are here to help. We are dedicated to providing compassionate care and ensuring that every farewell is a fitting tribute to the life lived.


For more guidance on funeral planning or to learn about our services, please contact Quantock Funeral Directors. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact Quantock Funeral Directors

- Phone: 01823 213 870

- Email:

- Address: 69 Staplegrove Rd, Taunton TA11DG

By incorporating these steps, we hope to make the process of writing a eulogy a bit easier during such a difficult time. Let Quantock Funeral Directors be your trusted partner in creating a heartfelt farewell.

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